Initially known as the Black Cultural Center, the Stone Center was renamed for beloved faculty member Dr. Sonja Haynes Stone. The Stone Center raises awareness of and appreciation for African American culture by the campus community and is one of the preeminent sites in the nation for the critical examination of African and African American diaspora culture. The building houses classrooms, a library, an art gallery and museum, an auditorium, a dance studio, and space for visiting scholars/artists. Sonja Haynes Stone was head of Carolina's African and Afro-American Studies curriculum from 1974 to 1979 and the leading advocate for a free-standing black cultural center.
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150 South Road, Chapel Hill, NC known as the Black Cultural Center, the Stone Center was renamed for beloved faculty member Dr. Sonja Haynes Stone. The Stone Center raises awareness of and appreciation for African American culture by the campus community and is one of the preeminent sites in the nation for the critical examination of African and African American diaspora culture. The building houses classrooms, a library, an art gallery and museum, an auditorium, a dance studio, and space for visiting scholars/artists. Sonja Haynes Stone was head of Carolina's African and Afro-American Studies curriculum from 1974 to 1979 and the leading advocate for a free-standing black cultural center.
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Mon, Sep 16, 2024 5:30pm to 7pm
The Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Research in Black Culture and History, Auditorium
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Wednesday, May 3, 2023 2:32pm